Conductor of a marching or concert form of band.
Examples for "band director"
Examples for "band director"
1A new band director was recently hired-sothe "decision" could have been already made.
2Leonard Roberts also returns as Sean Taylor, Devon's former adversary and Atlanta A&T's present band director.
3The band director knows that Jane can keep a good rhythm so he tailors her playing.
4EBONY: Shawn is back as the band director.
5Then I tried the door to the band director's office and found that it was indeed locked.
1His father was a German band leader; his mother is Irish-MargaretHogan.
2Some one warned the band leader, and the musicians marched away to quarters.
3This would not secure a band leader, nor good players on certain instruments.
4The band leader, watching from his post, signals furiously for a drum roll.
5Big band leader Blanche Calloway the sister of Cab Calloway is also featured.